Justine first learned about the Women’s Resource Center as an inmate in Kent County Correctional Facility. Here is her story in her own words.

WRC was the first beam of light set upon my life while I was in absolute darkness. I remember reading about what they offered, and I thought to myself, my fight is not over yet! I was blessed with hope for myself and my situation.

When my coach Tia and I met for the first time, I was even more hopeful. Tia looked at me like a woman who just needed support, instead of a criminal.

WRC has helped me find rehabilitation services, build my resume, further my education, find and fund sober living housing, provided gift cards for food, funded a hotel stay during an extremely tough transition, been advocates to my family and probation officer and the courts, and lastly have always answered the phone or text whenever I was in need of anything.

WRC has become a huge part of my recovery and I would not be where I am without their support and without my favorite coach, Ms. Tia. Tia is one of my biggest supporters and she is a godsend to all the women she helps. Because of the overwhelming support from WRC, I have a steady job and will soon further my education as a Peer Support Recovery Coach. WRC will be helping me with a scholarship for my education.

I am truly blessed and thankful. My list of hardships is lengthy, but with the support of WRC, my successes are off the chart. Thank you for everything, WRC. Your program and the dedication of your mentors has changed my life.