March is Women’s History Month and we challenge you to “Go Green for Women”!
Why green? We all know that green is the color of money, but the color green can also symbolize growth, renewal, and prosperity. By wearing green, you are showing your support of the transformation that takes place in the lives of women as a result of our mission is to equip women to achieve purpose, fulfillment, and financial stability through meaningful employment.
Why the month of March? The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in history. For more than 45 years, the Women’s Resource Center has progressively responded to the needs of women in our community.
Why me? Your partnership and support is vital in continuing the legacy of the Women’s Resource Center and empowering all women in our community to achieve their full potential.
How do I get involved? We are glad you asked! Follow the steps below:
- Wear something green like a shirt, tie, hat, scarf or sweater.
- Share why you support the work of the Women’s Resource Center by recording a video or taking a picture of yourself holding the attached sign.
- Post the video or photo to your social media using the hashtags #GoGreenforWomen and #WhyIGiveWRC.
- Not on social media? Email your picture to [email protected].
- Encourage other people that you know to participate!

“This Women’s History Month I celebrate with and support the work of the Women’s Resource Center because every woman deserves the opportunity to stand in her power and pursue her goals, regardless of life’s circumstances.” – Tatum